This is my first post. This is an article a friend sent to me and so I thought it would be a good one to share with everyone. Enjoy!
“My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.” Psalm 139:15
At the Verge of BreakthroughHave you ever felt forgotten by God? Do you feel invisible? Does God seem to be blessing everyone expect you? Do your expectations of God seem to meet with cold indifference from Him?
If your answer is “yes”, then rejoice, because you are at the edge of a miracle! You are on the verge of a breakthrough! The door to your destiny is about to swing open!
I have felt this way- I have felt forgotten by God. I wonder if the promise would ever be fulfilled-if God would ever open the door. I had been teetering on the edge of a breakthrough for so long that I began to doubt. I was tired of waiting, of praying, of hoping in faith! I felt like a butterfly in a cocoon, hidden and forgotten. During that time I wrote this poem:
Someday, I’ll Fly…
I’ve not been myself lately or for some time for that matter.
I’m not sure who “myself” is anymore.
I feel like a caterpillar inside the cocoon.
I’m neither a butterfly nor a caterpillar anymore.
I’m not what I used to be nor am I what I’m going to be.
I cannot go back to what I was,
Or what was familiar to me.
I can’t rush forward and be what I have not yet become.
It’s a miserable place to be.
It’s much like a baby in a womb;
You have to wait it out and stay where you are.
I hope every day will bring the end; I know God is almost done working.
I rejoice because the end it near,
But still the pain increases.
It’s become too easy to not be anything, just a cocoon.
I want to give up, but You won’t let me.
I’m no the caterpillar I used to be
And I’m not the butterfly I know I am becoming.
Becoming a butterfly is scary, painful and exhausting.
I guess I don’t want to remain a nothing,
So I’ll endure the torturous path out of this cocoon.
And I know, someday, I’ll fly!
God loves to make something beautiful out of something ugly. God loves to take the ugly things of our past that satan meant for destruction, and turn them into a powerful weapon He can use for our construction.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28