3 Years
So today I will celebrate her life and what a wonderful women she was!
Bristol, England
A group from my church went to help Headley Park Church with their Vacation Bible School for the week. This was my second time to go and help. I worked with the younger group which the ages where 6-9.
The trip was wonderful! After arriving on Sunday and getting all settled in we began Vacation Bible School on Monday. We had a total of about 35 kids in the younger group. I had 6 year olds in my group who were all great. We studied Philippians throughout the week. We had a time where they would but a leader on the spot and the kids had a chance to ask any questions they wanted. The questions that they asked blew me away. One question was "Who created God, I know He created the world but who created him?" another, "Why was Jesus nailed to the cross and not killed somewhere else so people wouldn't see him?". It amazed me that children this young are thinking of these questions.
The Group
All the leaders
My Team- The Parrots
Junior Leaders

We were able to spend Saturday in London. Here are a few pictures from that day.

We landed in Birmingham on Monday night at 9:00. The bad news was our luggage didn't make it home with us. I was reunited with it yesterday only to hear that the sides of it had been ripped open. So now I will be getting new luggage thanks to Delta! :)
Everyone was so gracious and so welcoming. We had a church service the Sunday we left. We prayed for several of the kids and their family's to come. It is very typical for the dads not to come to church. The church was full with children and families. God answered so many prayers while we were there.
This trip has put a fire under me to focus more on my faith and challenge and be more disciplined about getting in the word everyday. I know for me I sometimes become stuck and don't grow. I am so glad God allowed me and provide me with the funds to go on this trip.
Please continue to pray for Headley Park Church and all the children who attended the camp. Pray that they will get involved in the church and that their parents will as well.
4th of July
Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
Lake House Renovations
Living Room Before

Living Room After
Dining Room Before

Dining Room After
Kitchen Before

Kitchen After
Here are a few more of the house and the new pier.
We are ready for the summer!!!
Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your Kingdom.
I started a new bible study at my church. I am doing Crown Financial at Briarwood. This study teaches you to be a better steward of your finances and teaches you how to spend according to the bible. We are on week 2. Each week we have to memorize scripture. If you know me I do not like to speak in front of a group so this is very hard for me because you have to say the verse in front of the class. I mean they are all staring at you! Talk about freezing up! I got through last weeks just fine. This week is 1 Chronicles 29: 11,12 "Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the Ruler of all mankind; your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength. Wow! Please pray I will be able to say all that on Wednesday.
We have been slow at work lately as I am sure so is everyone else. I sent an email asking the girls in my bible study just to pray about the situation. Last night I went home to work on my homework for Crown. One of the verses I had to read was Matthew 6:31-33 "So don't worry about these things, saying, "What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
He knows what we all need and we will supply us with our every need. So when I read that last night it reassured me God has his hand in everything and no matter what happens with work, he will provide! So this morning I got an email from Nicole saying she was reading her bible last night and came across this verse and wanted to share it with me. Guess what verse it was…yes Matthew 6:31-33. Ummm hello! He is amazing and has his hand in every situation! Thanks Nicole for the email.
Just thought I would share that with you!
I bought him this outfit for Christmas. It was a little big.

He is like a little man in this outfit. He always makes the funniest faces.